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Acerola extract powder

  • 所属分类:Natural plant&extracts

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  • 发布日期:2017/02/07
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Acerola, L. or D.C. (formerly known as L.), is the fruit of the Acerola bush, original from Central America and Northern South America. It is also popularly known as Barbados Cherry.

Acerola brings several health benefits, not only by being one of the richest known natural sources of vitamin C but also by the content of other nutrients, including carotenoids and anthocyanin compounds, which impart antioxidant and immune system stimulation properties.Ascorbic acid plays a key role inmuscle, skin, and bone development and regeneration, in collagen production, in the regulation of body temperature and in the production of several hormones. transforming a natural raw ingredient into a value added high quality extract.

We supplies a variety of Acerola products, ranging from dried fruit pulp, to concentrated standardized extracts.

Controlled extraction processes ensure the delivery of products containing standardized amounts of vitamin C, and stable physicalchemical properties. This allows a broad usage in various end-use applications in the food & beverage and nutraceutical segments, following the worldwide trend of consumption of super fruits aiming health & wellness benefits.

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